The katana is an excellent cutting sword; in my opinion, it's the best cutting sword in the world. The flaw in its design is common to all cutting swords: even with its sharp point, the katana is useless against rigid body armor. That is why the katana, like most swords, was a secondary weapon. The samurai's primary weapons were bows or spears.
It ain't the sword itself that's dangerous. It's the asshole holding the sword that's dangerous!
by Terra Imperator November 9, 2004
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An overrused, overrated form of sword.

Sure, they're pretty, and sure, they can work, but they're not the best. Anime and pop-culture are only using them for the former; because Anime is japanese, so are katanas, that's justified, but the runoff of Anime is spilling into pop-culture leading people to believe that the katana is the best form of sword in the known universe. This is why I hate fads.

Opinions aside, the Katana is a gently curved blade, single-edged, which lacks a large crossguard, but does have some form of guard between the hilt and blade. It, like the european bastard sword, may be used in one OR two hands, and it was traditionally used by the Samurai.

Please, before you create a character for Role Playing, or buy a sword, consider your options, and open your mind to other swords.
"The Samurai had a katana."

"I'm not fond of katanas, I prefer a nice, simple longsword."
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1.A katana is a sword that, while sharp, tends to shatter if you smack the flat of the blade hard enough. It was not used for blocking of blows, unlike the european sword but rather to deflect the force of an oncoming attack to the side.

2. A fad "supersword" with much popularity that actualy resembles no modern swords. Seen often in RPGs and in cartoons/comics
1. Mushashi's katana shattered when the bo struck it's flat.

2. I have this totaly awesome katana, it's vorpial, and fire enchanted too!
by Le Blue Dude March 14, 2006
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A curved Japanese blade, aka the most fabulous sword of all time. Sometimes referred to as a katanaparty, this sword has stolen Napoleon Bonaparte's hat and refuses to give it back. Beware, it dives. Fabulously.
Tali: The Katana Dive was the best move in all of fiction.
Nat: Yes, but that katana wasn't wearing a hat. BLASPHEMY!

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A way beginning and/or young snowboarders handle a steep slope. It is similar to the falling leaf but is considerably faster. You do this by staying on your heelside edge going left and right while quickly alternating which end of the board faces downhill.
after a snowboard race...

(teenage snowboarder): wtf, I got beat by an 8 year old?

(spectator): ya, he was doing the katana

(teenage snowboarder): oh damn, what a pro
by king melvin August 9, 2008
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Big Jap sword that'll cut your motherfuckin head off boy so pay attention
I'ts one huge ass mother fuckin blade
by DEATHSTA February 14, 2005
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A light weught and cery powerful japanese long sword. A device used for neutering
1.The vet cut my dog's ball with a katana
2.A ninja killed my brother with a katana so he could take his chronic
by Paki chan May 28, 2005
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