A word created by the South Korean-Chinese boy group EXO. It does not have a clear meaning but it is implied that the word means 'going crazy', 'lit', 'getting high', or other definitions along those terms. This is also the name of the title track on their album, "The War". They explained that the song means to dance before the night of the inevitable war, thus creating "kokobop".
EXO: "We're going kokobop."
by nuestcult July 17, 2017
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A word that was NOT created by the South Korean-Chinese pop group Exo but is instead from the classic song “Shimmy Shimmy Ko Ko Bop” by Little Anthony and The Imperials that Exo shamelessly failed to credit as their inspo, even though they clearly got it from that song and also use other lyrics from the original. Kokobop is a dance move described in the 1950s song.
“Do the Kokobop”
by OGkokobop October 2, 2018
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韩国男团EXO 在他们新出的专辑主打歌KOKOBOP 的第一句歌词
shimmy shimmy kokobop i think I like it
by ImfknG August 14, 2017
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