An amazing girl, usually short, but thats ok because what she lacks in height just goes toward her amazing personality. Juliett's are normally very nice and kind but have a rebellious side too. they are the most loyal friends who would do anything for their friends, no matter what. They're the types of friends who are your therapist, soulmate, best friend, funniest person ever, and the list would just go on forever, they are just downright amazing!! They are the friends who you do stupid things with, smart things with, and you have the most memories with. If your friends with a Juliett then you probably have a lot of inside jokes with her and you both just have to give each other a look and you'll start laughing uncontrollably. If your friends with a Juliett then consider yourself lucky because that's a friend who will be a friend for life no matter how distant you two get you'll still always be friends and you can always depend on them.
Juliett's are short funny not normal and downright hilarious.
by freacklesrocks December 6, 2013
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The best girl you will ever meet. Perfect hair and clear smooth skin.
girl 1- "That girls hair is awesome!"
girl 2- "And her skin is so smooth... I bet she is a Juliette"
by Yaya Oohyaya March 17, 2017
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she's craaazy!!! really weird but cool!! She's such a derp and a dork with no common sense but really smart. naturally beautiful although she juts rolls out of bed and doesn't really care. So fun to be around but she's also genuinely caring. Can be annoying at times but you have to forgive her as everything would be really dull and lifeless without her. Hold onto this bæ.
Juliette: omg guess how many grapes I can get in my mouth??
Lauren: Hahaha idek
Juliette: *laughs and puts 10 grapes in whilst laughing*
Grace: you're such a dork Juliette!!
Lauren: haha I love you even though you're a weirdo!!
by Neoncats April 17, 2014
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A really beautiful girl. Always the nicest and has very pretty hair. The one to keep everyone happy. Has a mean streak though and most likely stays with her group of friends. Also average on the smartness level and has a great sense of style.
Girl 1: Omgg!! Im like reallllliii sadd right noww

Juliette: Aww do you need a hug? Maybe we should go get some pinkberry and go shopping

Girl 1: Thats like a GREAT idea!!

Juliette: Totally!
by Jessica Lace August 4, 2009
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juliette is just the coolest hottest girl youll ever meet. juliettes are usually the funny one of the friend group, and can always crack jokes even sometimes when the time isnt right (whoopsies). you can never take a juliette seriously, because most of the time she will make fun of you, but in the end shes a true friend. juliettes usually are really thicc and all the boys know it 😎. she also always calls herself ugly but gets told how gorgeous she is on a daily basis. everyone go find a juliette for urself because they are just the chillest people youll meet. (ps she has the best style and is rlly up to date on trends and has a nice insta feed)
(pps she got a lot of problems too)
random kid: dude, who is that? shes got the fattest ass in the entire school!
random kid 2: yeah, probably just a juliette
by dandydicksucker420 March 13, 2020
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a hott hott hott girl that all the girls love and all the boys wanna do(: she has the most amazing hair that you just want to sleep in, and her arms are fantasticallyy soft. the worlds defined love for her is the absolute epitome of all things absolutely wonderful.
Girl 2: wow.i love her...

Guy 1: OH LOOK, theres a juliette
Guy 2: ohhh dammnn i wanna do herr(;
by woobwoob<3 December 18, 2009
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