Of or pertaining to any person, place, thing or idea that is contrary to established norms.
An adult male wearing shorts and sandals with socks is jud.

Used in a sentence: "Look at Jud over there, wearing the L.A. Looks in his hair and buckles on his shoes"
by Colonelpsu April 16, 2008
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Jud is a very uncommon name, loosely translated to crime a jud is usually involved in illegal activities,a jud will do what ever they can to make money and protect them selves ,friend and family, they are natural leaders ,fearless and will always speak their mind
1 he is a jud he doesn’t take cheek from anybody
by Haterslaters November 3, 2018
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One of the sexiest niggas ever. They get all the bitches and are good at everything. Typically, they average 10-15 inches below the belt and attract white girls.
I wish I was born a Jud
by NotMouse January 22, 2021
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That one kid in almost every one of your classes that you are positive hes gay but he wont admit it.
by imakefunofmyfriends November 15, 2021
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(a) to use the english language in an incorrect manner; (b) to lose one's ass at a gaming facility; (c) to fall asleep with one's penile unit in one's hand
(a) Did you hear that new kid from Georgia judded on his resume? What a shmuck! (b) They bent me over and raped me for all I was worth; I got completely judded. (c) I can't believe I judded last night watching gay midget porn.
by jack straw July 16, 2004
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The action of a girl kissing guys after she realizes that she's a lesbian.
She judded that guy, when she became a lesbian.
Lesbians tend to jud guys after they realize so or whenever they are really drunk.
Instead of girls kissing girls, lesbians jud guys when they're drunk.
by GirlsJustWannaHaveFun94 January 2, 2011
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