A smug Canadian who resents America for being an actual country. This type of person subconsciously feels their own physical and emotional inadequacies are symptomatic of the weak and feminized culture of Canada. This insecurity compels them to lash out at the dominant American culture through feeble attempts at biting criticism and pretentious posturing.
The mean-spirited and half-witted joke he told about Bush made the Jonzo feel not quite so pathetic for a little while, but he soon fell back to thinking himself half a man.
by Sammy Davis III December 27, 2006
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A word used to describe one's sheer pleasure and happiness. Often used to proclaim elation after an event of great importance.
"Congratulations, its a boy" the doctor said.
"Rondo Jonzo Doc, Rondo Jonzo"
by Steve J. Talon March 31, 2010
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