Jongwon est une personne formidable qui a l'air timide au première abord. N'est pas du jors à lâcher l'affaire. Jongwon est un très bon danseur et chanteur. Souvent avec des cheveux bruns.
by ENHYPEN- November 22, 2021
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Jongwon is an amazing guy with a warm heart. He can always cheer you up with his funny jokes. Talented in everything. Smart, he's especially good at math. He is always able to listen to you and support you. Loves to dream and travel. He is emotional, hypersensitive and perceives the surrounding reality only intuitively. That's why he is so dependent on the surrounding atmosphere, people and circumstances that create it. Jongwon is a sweet, kind and loving person. His friends and family are the real lucky ones, because they have him in their lives~^^
#Jongwon #luckyboy
by Didi135 November 22, 2021
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