He might be annoying but he cares a lot for the people that are with him he might be an asshole that screams and doesn’t care for anyone but himself ... he’s a great leader figure and he tries to make people happy when he can’t make himself happy tries his best make everyone around him happy and joyful he gives you advice when you need it and he is a shoulder when you need one
Jobany is such an ass
by Xxx_lil69bli_xxx May 11, 2018
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Jobani is one of the sweetest guys you will ever meet... just like their name, they are uncommon and unique. If you have one in your life, don't let them go or you could regret it. They are smart, caring, and great to have as friends. At times they can seem rude or stubborn, but once you get to know them, you realize they aren't what you thought at all.
Random classmate: Jobani is so rude!
A friend: I used to think the same, but know I know he is the sweetest.
by It’s a Random Person May 8, 2019
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A variation of the Polish curse word Jebany. Usually screamed out from the top of your lungs in anger.
Victor why you team kill me Jobani?!?
by bepiscowma August 31, 2017
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yasminas best buddy , the nigga bobo , jobani the gay boy , the coolest nigga ever , danny’s boyfriend
luv the nigga jobani
by ycandido1 December 8, 2018
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