Jizzy Dizzy Kitty is all the rage with today’s TikTokkin’ youth, and also Ben Affleck. In order to play Jizzy Dizzy Kitty, you need:

1) A cat
2) A bed
3) A ceiling fan directly above the bed
4) The remote control for the ceiling fan
5) 12 feet of rope (a lighter gauge)
6) A step stool or 3-step ladder (optional)
7) A penis
8) A jar of Nutella
9) A cell phone with the TikTok app installed

Use the step stool or just stand on the bed and carefully tie the cat to the ceiling fan. Then, take your pants off and get in bed with the Nutella, the cell phone and the remote control to the ceiling fan. Carefully stuff your nutsack into the jar off Nutella and summon Satan or Beefassholebub or the demon of your choice. Then, turn on the ceiling fan. YES!!! Watch that kitty spin, dude! Let the cat’s cries of pleasure(?) begin to stir your pleasure in the genitals, and when erect, bear down on the clown (or whatever you call your dick). If you have trouble getting erect, though, keep twisting the Nutella jar clockwise and redouble your efforts in summoning the forces of darkness until the fires of Hell start your loins a’ burning. The goal of Jizzy Dizzy Kitty is, and this may be quite obvious by now, to ferociously ejaculate all over the cat while it swings gaily from the ceiling fan. Keep on crankin’ down with one hand, and use the other to scrapple together a TikTok video of yourself alive with pleasure. Fuck dance challenges.
Yeah man, I heard even Doggface420 took the Jizzy Dizzy Kitty challenge.
by Jaunty Diggles December 24, 2020
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