Any gathering of a large number of people of jewish decent. Often characterized by cheap party decorations, anything matza, and and chocolate money.
1.The floor of the Jewbilee was completely devoid of change
2.Those people at the Jewbilee were the stingiest people I ever met.
by Diabolical Diabetic December 8, 2004
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A guy who has the "cheap" qualities of a Jewish person, a homosexual(typically wasting money on overpriced clothing), and the name Lee.
Justin Beiber is a Jewbilee.
by EE ZZ EE February 4, 2011
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A Jewish get together to discuss the Jewishy things
Jew1: hey are you going to jewbilee
Jew2: yeah should I bring humus
by CrimsonWraith69 December 10, 2016
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A large gathering of Jewish people which is unannounced and sporadic; Gathering that does not have religious reason
Person 1: Hey, what are all those Jews doing?

Person 2: Oh, they are just having another Jewbilee

Person 1: Damn, again?
by PootSniffer March 12, 2023
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n. Any festive event celebrated by those fine folks of the Hebraic persuasion.

Why is the street littered with dreidels?

I think yesterday was a jewbilee. Maybe Easter.
by gnostic3 June 1, 2022
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