A small, newly formed religion religion that believes This, a newly formed religion, is based on the ideology that Aunt Jemima is an omnipotent being that watches over the stack of pancakes that is the world as we know it. The stack of pancakes represents a multi-layered universe in which the top layer is seen as "heaven"; the middle, earth; and the lower, "hell". The butter on top of the stack is believed to be the very dwelling of Jemima herself! This layer idea is supported loosely by string theory (where multiple universe are layered side by side). It is believed that Mrs. Butterworth resides and rules the Lowest Pancake, where she attempts to thwart Aunt Jemima and all of her syrupy goodness. Mrs.Butterworth is indeed the essence of evil! Last, but certainly not least, we believe that you should "Eat a Better Breakfast "!
I'm Jemima's Witnesses. I believe that Mrs Butterworth is evil.
by Geshman WG October 11, 2010
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um yes. this is the one and only woman who graces the label of many a syrup bottle. she is almost always shown with a bowl full of a batter she seems to be mixing. she has become a sort of cult figure, with many references made to her in movies and television series.
wow. these waffles are dry. we need some aunt jemima up in here.
by nth January 25, 2006
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Before I go to sleep, a Ben jemima really helps me fall asleep.
by mjandy January 12, 2014
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kelseyjemima is fit
caraand popular too
jemima jones is bootayful
by Jemxjonesxo January 19, 2018
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1.) When an apple-bottomed African American woman (typically found in her natural habitat of Bed-Stuy, Brooklyn) urinates in spray-form over the entirety of a public restroom toilet seat, while hovering above said toilet seat and girating her hips in a clockwise or counter clockwise movement; also evidence has shown the use of a "booty clap" whilst mid spray. Sometimes used in combination with the Jemima swirl grip or the jemima swirl leg-lift.

2.) When a watermelon bottomed African American She-ress, righteously empties the entirety of her bladder in spray form (aka, the african mist) in an effort to mark her territory. This feat renders said toilet useless, and is frustrating for white people.
Hey, so I went to use the bathroom during that new movie Devil, but I couldn't use the toilet because some apple-bottomed bitch totally pulled a jemima swirl.
by theclintonhillcumquats September 27, 2010
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a black woman who "kisses up" to whites; a "sellout"; the female counterpart to Uncle Tom.
Keisha: 'Quanda! Ever since you got that job you've been lettin those white people walk all over you!
LaQuanda: Whateva girlfriend, a girl gotta get paid, right?
Keisha: Aunt Jemima please, you aint foolin nobody. You's black!
by PCone November 15, 2009
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