a term used to express complete and utter happiness; the epitome of happiness or excitement; the synonym of awesome and unbelievable; also a common German last name
That is so Jebing!
by Jebing! October 9, 2012
Pronounced "Jeb head" run together very quickly to form "Jebed."
Used as an insult, meaning the same as "dickhead".
Used as an insult, meaning the same as "dickhead".
by Brady Brootal! August 15, 2007
Literally means "to fuck one´s mother", but has various connotations.
1) Superlative when comparing things by their awesomeness (something like "fucking awesome")
2) Insult
3) Used when describing something (due to lack of anything else to say)
4) To beat someone with arguments or physically
1) Superlative when comparing things by their awesomeness (something like "fucking awesome")
2) Insult
3) Used when describing something (due to lack of anything else to say)
4) To beat someone with arguments or physically
1) Ova nova igra jebe keve. This new game is fucking awesome.
2) Jebacu ti kevu! I´ll fuck your mother (but more of the meaning You are so screwed!)
3) Your friend explaning something you don´t care about for quite a long time. When finally finished you say: Jebe keve...
4) Bas smo im jebali keve! We really showed them who´s the boss! Jako su nam jebali keve. The really screwed us up.
2) Jebacu ti kevu! I´ll fuck your mother (but more of the meaning You are so screwed!)
3) Your friend explaning something you don´t care about for quite a long time. When finally finished you say: Jebe keve...
4) Bas smo im jebali keve! We really showed them who´s the boss! Jako su nam jebali keve. The really screwed us up.
by grgech988 February 25, 2012
Michael: Bro that chick looks so fine, no jebe.
Arthur: That's a drag queen.
Michael: She for sure a queen.
Arthur: No jebe.
Arthur: That's a drag queen.
Michael: She for sure a queen.
Arthur: No jebe.
by SomeoneNamedShiro July 19, 2022