The phenomenon of perpetuating stink that eminates from the bathroom when being deficated into by the Jamesernaut. The odor creates fumes so powerful that it actually chemically reacts with the surrounding air changing the molecular structure of that ambient gas. This componding effect causes positive air pressure created by air conditioning to contain fhe stentch are rendered useless, due to the air actaully becoming a different substance and spreading throughout the house. It is recommended to increase posture to MOPP Level 1 and launch aerial olfactory countermeasures to combat the effect If this procedure fails to correct the spread, increase posture to MOPP Level 2 and commence immediate mandatory evac.
Dude whats that smell?
MOPP Level 1 deploy the air freshener!
by DeconOne June 13, 2010
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The phenomenon of perpetuating stink that emanates from the bathroom when being defecated into by the Jamesernaut. The odor creates fumes so powerful that it actually chemically reacts with the surrounding air changing the molecular structure of that ambient gas. This compounding effect causes positive air pressure created by air conditioning to contain the stench are rendered useless, due to the air actually becoming a different substance and spreading throughout the house. It is recommended to increase posture to MOPP Level 1 and launch aerial olfactory countermeasures to combat the effect If this procedure fails to correct the spread, increase posture to MOPP Level 2 and commence immediate mandatory evac.
Dude whats that smell?
MOPP Level 1! Deploy the air freshener!
by DeconOne June 14, 2010
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