This applies to the person who leaves at noon and tells nobody except for the people who will be gone the next day. Basically an easy way to leave for the day and say that you will “work from home”! - this #1 gives you an alibi for co-worker bad-talk and #2 if you tell yourself that you will “work from home” enough times, you won’t feel guilty about what jobs your co-workers have to pick up the slack on.
You're working on your computer until you suddenly realize that you kinda want to just push off your work to someone else without making it too obvious and just go home for the day. So instead of saying, "yeah....I'm taking off", you should say, "yeah....I'm Jak'en off". Everyone will think that you just made a freud'n slip and laugh - you're home free.
by your favorite krew September 21, 2007
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