An absolutely amazing person with a great sense of humour. He will make you laugh until you are crying. He will always make you happy and will make you feel like you are invincible. Jack is always trustworthy and He is always the first person you will talk to about anything that's bothering you and He always sorts it out and makes the world seem alright; it doesn't matter how bad you are feeling he always cheers you up. He never fails to put a smile on your face. He will frustrate you when he says he isn't good enough because you know that it just isn't true and that he is just the best. Jack is good looking and is the type that is always In Good shape. He always wears the best outfits and looks amazing. His music taste is just incredible and he always knows how to lighten the mood. He is a kind, compassionate and caring person and even though he never sees that in himself he deserves to know that it is 100% true. He is just amazing.
by Lilwillow February 25, 2019
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1. Verb: Past tense

Origin from 'hijacked': as the past-progressive meaning stolen in a violent fashion.
Commonly refers to robbery, theft, misuse, seizure, possesion.

2. Adjective

Well muscled, iron-bound, pumped.
1. "Yo, I got up to go to the bathroom and some jerk jacked my seat"
"Yesterday I jacked a pack of gum from the mall."

2. "That weightlifter sure is jacked. Too bad he's on steroids."
by Miranda November 22, 2003
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Another feature that Apple has deemed unnecessary.
Why the fuck does the iPhone 7 not have a headphone jack?
by HyperLynx September 20, 2016
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Has he been working out? He looks jacked!
by meeeeeee July 2, 2004
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a sneaky little person that works at cybercamps, and is constantly bugging owen about him being an LIT. he wears a stuipd pink ballon around his head, which has headlice.
by odubcybercamps August 4, 2009
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"So did he Jack?"
by c0nceptuous July 27, 2016
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