Ishwa is very loving and non-bais person.

Ishwa carries a beautiful heart without keeping any grudges in it. If you fall in love with someone that’s Ishwa for you. Ishwa is a beautiful world in which anyone can lost themselves peacefully. Ishwa means indefinite love
The only solution to my happiness is Ishwa.
by Mayish November 24, 2021
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Ishwa is a sly female being. She is so aggressive when angry and she might yeet herself on the couch crying when she's mad. She has problems with health and looks skinny, but she's still hot. Ishwa hates her siblings and doesn't want to share her stuff with anyone. She laughs like a crow and cries like a donkey.
Sister: Ishwa, can I borrow your hair tie? mine broke.
Ishwa: Bitch tie up your hair with a ribbon or some. Dare not touch my stuff
by Taekookaremyhubands<3 November 25, 2021
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A gorgeous persian girl with a big heart, needs lots of affection and reassurance, very closed at first but opens up in time. Can be very judgy for your own good, will most likely give u advice and never follow it herself, VERY stubborn and always wants to be right. EXTREME mood swings and can lash out to you at any minute. Very cold at first but will give u the world and always choose u over herself. will most likely become a nurse/doctor
i love ishwa
by heartforAlol December 13, 2022
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