A little site out .org way worth taking a look, just dont take any thing there to seriously
Why is it called inthehut.org?
(This is sort of a weird answer so prepare yourself.) "The hut" in question is the hut you can see on the main page. It is at a football field near Ipswich Road. Alice and Rosie went there one day in October (a.k.a. "Alice and Rosie month") 2000 to watch their brothers play football. Alice liked the hut because she could stand up in it without hitting her head. Then they made a special hand sign to go with the hut which looks like a hut-shape, and then they went around telling people they had never met before (including Steve and Duncan) that they were "in the hut". "In the hut" means cool, except nobody really says it in that context anymore.

by VisOne March 24, 2003
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