Someone who engages in hunting for the sole purpose of posting pictures of themselves hunting on social media. Contrary to popular belief, the Instagram hunter is not actually a skilled hunter and tend to purchase expensive equipment compensate for their lack of hunting ability.
Conner- "Zach, stop taking so many selfies, we're trying to hunt."

Zach- "Just one more, how else are people supposed to know I'm hunting?"

Conner- "You're such an Instagram hunter."
by Wade6969 May 4, 2016
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A person who only engages in hunting or fishing for the sole purpose of posting pictures of theirselves hunting/fishing on social media
Wade: "Zach, why are you taking so many selfies? Your scaring away the deer!"
Zach: "I gotta post this shit on Instagram! What's the point of hunting if nobody knows your doing it?"
Wade: "your such an Instagram hunter"
by HassleCaugh April 9, 2016
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