Impesh act act of being impy, the lacking of all brain cells and common sense. The title impesh can't be given it needs to be earned. But what ever you do NEVER mistake impesh for impish the differences are as vast as your neighbor little Jimmy and the black man named Raquise that works at the local gas station who is a registered sex offender that rapes the masses. Also ANYONE who mistakes impesh for impish will be found and eliminated. Eliminated by who you might ask? Good question, The High Council™ this team is on another level of being they have reached god status in the multiverse these few people are the epitome of number one they are the best things that are and will be. This team of dictators consists of none other than The Rock, Ryan Reynolds, Paul Blart Mall Cop, Bruno Mars, and Snoop D-O double G. You stand no chance and if you think you do you're already a dead man.

Sincerely, Zach Galifianakis
Person 1: Hey I think McDonald's fries are made of dough

Person 2: bro wtf that would be a mini baguette you're such an impesh
by The Klussy Lord August 15, 2022
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