An acronym for "I'm going to die young, sad and alone" It's used by the people that have accepted that they're never going to be able to have successful and productive relationships with members of the gender identity they prefer. It's pronounced "ig-dee-suh" and is the embodiment of the forever alone meme.One can only try-hard so many times before they repeatedly fail and realize that the idea that "everyone deserves to be happy" is true, but eventually realize that in order for it to be a logically sound idea the idea that "not everyone can be (happy)." Regarding the world's overpopulation problem, it also acts as a natural mechanism to help keep the balance. If only the people that continue to propagate, when they ought not to and/or aren't fit to, maybe the world wouldn't be in the state it currently is in.
My dad asked me if I have a girlfriend, but I told him IGDYSA."
by dontatmebruh October 18, 2019
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