A socialite of epic proportions. Someone who holds their own in any and all social situations. A savant of the social scene.
He didn't even have to wait in line like everyone else! He is such a Hoyt!
by funwit23 February 2, 2010
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Like Santa spreading Christmas magic, Ms. Hoyt has touched the east, midwest, and west coast with her drunken antics, which she is dearly loved for. It may start innocently enough with some glasses of pinot noir, but you can bet your bottom dollar that by the end of the night 1 shot or 7 of cazadores will be happening. Hilarity and usually karaoke ensues, and by the next morning you may find yourself asking when the end of the night really happened. Never a dull moment, if you’re out with this girl you’re sure to get Hoyted.
*stumbles out of the bar with a broken flip flop* “That girl’s been Hoyted.”
by Challahatyourgirl January 13, 2018
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Because you always fail on your first attempt to plug a USB in and have to flip it over, this is the phrase you exclaim when you nail it on the first shot. Hit On Your (1st) Try
I looked down at the USB before plugging it in and at the last second flipped it over and it slid right in....HOYT!
by Da B.E.A.S.T. May 9, 2019
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A really hot person, loves to love people; People with this name commonly act like there things not. Others with this name can also do most things others can't; Most of these people are very intelligent and sometimes really funny. These type of people are actually very good at rhyming. People with this have a thing called 2 sides where they have 2 different sides where one is very odd and twisted and makes the person way under think before they say anything making them really weird and the other side is normal and nice. These are also very hot.
Man he is so Hoyt, do you see what he drew.
by Buttt May 22, 2014
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Hoyt, i cant believe we lost that game!
by Becca#4 September 20, 2008
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A very hot kind dude who all the girls should go for and want he is kind on the inside but an idiot on the outside you should go for him
omg i want to kiss Hoyt sooooooooo bad
by asjhdfkljahslkdfhalksjdfh December 8, 2021
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a person that girls think are annoying but it is because they don't hang out with him enough but he is a hot guy and very sweet always go for a hoyt
hoyt is so ****ing HOT!!!!!!
by asjhdfkljahslkdfhalksjdfh December 8, 2021
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