The one student in class who never listens to the teacher and always have earphones in. When approached by an adult will just put his hoodie up slam the door and walk out the classroom. Will never learn any social skills with adults and one of the most disrespectful kids you will ever meet.
Teacher: hongjie put your phone away
Hongjie Liu: stop playing with me I’m out
by Heyitsbob December 2, 2019
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A handsome, smart, intelligent, funny, brilliant man who is often a dry texter. He most likely originated from the country of China. His parents were too lazy to come up with an American name so they stayed with hongjie
Oh wow it’s hongjie let’s go and hang out with him

Why can’t he can’t he text like a normal person
by Bobbyboybob June 30, 2022
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The smartest and most intelligent person you’ll ever know. Anyone with this name is a kind soul, handsome too and very funny. A king fr. My man has no flaws expect being too good. Very fun to hangout with. Opened minded and gifted in all aspect
Boy 1: Yo you heard Hongjie got a 100 on that physic test
Boy 2: Damn he got a 100 on that Spanish test too
by Bobbyboybob November 20, 2021
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An intelligent smart handsome and funny man usually from the country of China. A good name
by Bobbyboybob June 30, 2022
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