When you're not involved in an inside joke and proceed to yell Hogwarts at every given opportunity until someone laughs.
Hogwarts, am I right!?
by PoeticV January 12, 2016
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Poudlard, école de Poudlard savent également que Sorcellerie est d'une école fictive dans les sorcières de la série Harry Potter et les sorciers qui ne peut voir. Aucun homme qui ne disposent pas de pouvoirs magiques, également connu sous le nom «moldus» ne peuvent pas voir l'école.
"I cannot wait to go to Hogwarts!"
by Elieene September 10, 2016
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The genital disease resulting from a drunken night of regrettable intercourse with a fat chick found at the local watering hole.
Mike: Dude what happened to you last night, you were crazy drunk.

Dave: Last night I blacked out and woke up next to Tanya. You can just call me harry potter because I am pretty sure I have hogwarts.
by shruggerx November 18, 2009
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Giant Grow Op in England......well damnit those kids think they got magical powers they gotta be on summin
damn man were outta Kron lets take our flying Mazda and go to Hogwarts go score us a dime bag yo
by YO MAMMA April 29, 2003
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The wizarding school in Harry Pooter, named after a hog with warts.
I'm going to Hogwarts!
by Harry Pooter December 18, 2002
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A sexually transmitted disease contracted by engaging in sexual acts which involve fecal matter, farm animals, and basic witch craft. they form as large lumpy furry puss bags that grow on your testes which give off a potent stench resembling garlic and burnt hair.
example: "yo I ran it through some Wiccan bitches and a few goats and i think i got the Hogwarts my shits furry and stanks."
by Paully3434 May 10, 2008
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Where my gay lover Harry loves to spend his time when I smooch on him because he is my hot hunny buns.
"I received my first STD at Hogwarts with Harry."
by Big J December 17, 2004
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