1. slightyly more cultured hill billy
2. someone who frequents thrift shops without attaining the vintage/trendy status typically associated with emo kids

1. the act of obsessively visiting thrift shops
1. During my hike across the Rocky Mountains i came across some stoned hilly billies who offered me a joint & a share of the moose they just caught.
2. My mom is becoming a hilly billy. Every time she goes out she comes back with another piece-of-crap from the thrift shop. Maybe we should refer her to a doctor, do you think?

1. "Stop hilly billying around!" says Marla to Jed as they browsed through the Discount Superstore! dumpster out back, "we've got to get to the dentist!"
by lyra August 3, 2005
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An undesirable location (city, suburb, neighborhood, shopping center, restaurant, club, bar etc...) usually associated with "Hillbillys", low rent people or things, skanks, or ill-mannered humans and their dwellings...
Collin: "Mom- just had a great job offer from a firm in Joliet, Illinois....great salary and good benifits too. I might consider relocating there from Manhattan.
Collins Mom: "Have you lost your mind?! You have a good job in New York, and you want to throw it all away to live in Joliet, Ill. which is basically known for Joliet state penetentiay, bikers, and cornfields! That place is gross, its positively HILLY-BILLY-VILLY!
by Carlye Samatas February 4, 2010
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