(Not to be confused with Heliophobia, which is the fear of the sun)

Is the fear, discrimination against and/or the denial of the existence of the gender identity "Attack Helicopter".
*The LGBTQ+ community still denies the existence of the gender "attack helicopter" even though tens of thousands identify as such. This pandemic of Heliphobia is a blatant oppression against attack helicopters and is totally unacceptable in 2021.
by Attack helicopter 69 420 May 24, 2021
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The fear of Helicopters. People who have them are called Heliphobes.
"That Heliphobe has Heliphobia
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A HeliPhobia is the fear of Helicopters. Specifically Attack helicopters Many people have HeliPhobia. Most common in people who identify as an Attack Helicopter.
Sorry, I Have HeliPhobia
by DefinitelyNotYusuf October 11, 2022
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