A very sweet man that does too many things for the sake of others for his own good. Impulsive and gets into trouble but with good intentions in mind.
Come on Helal, I know you want to help others but the best thing to do is to stay out of it.
by Sock Addict April 12, 2020
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A person who is fond of chocolate, and who forgets to treat Yang with iftar.

A person who is wayy too much into Pokemon, such as Psyduck.

A person who makes random comments.
(4:22 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: u gotta see this xD

(4:22 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: is there anyone around u first?

(4:22 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: no

(4:22 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: im webcammin with a frnd in uk

(4:22 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: lol

(4:22 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: weird emoticon which is tryna do sumthin stupid....
(4:22 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: no i dun wanna see

(4:22 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: LoooL

(4:22 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: plz

(4:23 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: oh hahah its the emoticon hahhahhaa

(4:23 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: ya hhehehehe

(4:23 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: dude thts wrong

(4:23 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo:

(4:23 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: y ?

(4:23 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: ur sick bitch

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: lol

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: btw

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: Faith is a pimp xd

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: why

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: she gave u this/

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: dont tell me man

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: ..lol?

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: no

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: this was from tariq

(4:24 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: lool

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: oh hahha

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: why is faith a pimp

(4:24 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: ?>

(4:25 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: dunno xD

(4:25 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: this was just an absolutely random moment i have usually

(4:25 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: fuck douchbags

(4:25 AM) -.::™©---ümåì®: hahhaha i hav to tell her hahha

(4:26 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: Lol O.O ?

(4:26 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: dude anything i tell u should be a secret

(4:26 AM) ₪ ๖ۣۣۜۜHaLoo: plz ._.
by ooopslucky October 13, 2009
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He is described as a very scary man he doesn’t like to be told what to do , he is very respectful to girls he only picks a girl when he knows she is the right one. Helal Abbas eats cake and likes to have pet lions and snakes. Helal Abbas will do anything for the ones he loves the most. He is a force that people shouldn’t mess with.
As Helal Abbas once said “Apples don’t fall far from the tree
by Triggertreat January 31, 2022
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A big dicked fellow with a really big heart. He loves to talk and be friendly, he is loyal and always has your back. But don’t be fooled he can easily take you down without a sweat. He keep things lively and don’t wreck the fun. He's up for anything wether that be relaxing with buddies or doind some coke and have a whole night of partying.
Mohammed Helal be taking down the whole 40 ounce while smoking a blunt

Man I wish you were more like Mohammed.
by No bitch niggas November 5, 2019
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GUYS WTF, THIS IS THE PERSON YALL NEED IN LIFE. That‘s all you need to now.
a helall is all you need.
by mmsksjj November 21, 2021
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