When you take a hot shit and even though it's your own work it makes you want to choke.
Man, I had a Newborn Hatian this morning. It stunk so bad I almost threw up!
by miggelzworth October 15, 2010
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A common condition in which hatians poorly fake symptoms of life threatning illness
Symptoms include but are not limited to
1. Yelling
2. Extremities flailing in every direction w/ associated screaming.
3. Profusely sweating (not due to actual illness)
4. shortness of breath (while speaking in full sentences)
5. Inability to walk with or without assistance.

The hyde park hatian is very sly, cunning, slippery, smelly and loud. even though they are as dumb as door nails they find ways of getting stuff free and staying out of trouble by playing stupid.

just remember never believe a hyde park hatian is sick.
johnny: i was at shaws yesterday and this man had a full blown case of the hyde park hatian fake out.
by frankie bisquick August 20, 2008
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A term of contempt. There are those in the world who are not racist, yet say racist like things in order to insult someone, for example, "You jew!" This term is a combination of many of these into one phrase. It originated from a gaming experience when one man had customized his character to have various equipment from England, France, United States of America, Russia, and Germany (in a world war two game, hence the "nazi") His opponant then quickly came up with this contemptful insult, combining all the nationalities, and a little racist sounding insult of his own at the end.
Richardo: Dude check out my equip (lists all different nationalities of equip).

#Joe: You Fringlisharussion punk Nazi who's too dumb to be a Hatian!

Richardo: Hahaha! what the heck?
by #Joe January 24, 2008
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