Hannington is is an English Surname which means an introverted observant. He is very calculating and intelligent. He is a good candidate for an Intelligence Officer. He never thinks what he says but says what one thinks. His creative mind will always surprise those that are keen to his sensitive side. He is a man of wisdom and yet a destroyer if called on and his loyalty is usually unmatched.
To be a Hannington is not to be obsessive, for he can turn his switches on and off in untimely but very well researched manner, a Nuclear Physicist will accept a second part time job as a dishwasher.
The Hanningtons draw large crowds of learners and acquaintances because they are full of intricate ideas that will get you thinking around the clock. However they don't like to be understood and yet never misleading.
For example, "She pulled a Hannington on me everytime I asked her what she did for work.
Hannington in Contemporary English means romantically sarcastic. To be a Hannington is to be a great love maker because the constant teasing, the uncertainty of the next position, the language used, and the unusuall strategy of pounding will make you loose count of how many times you explode.
For example, "He hanningtoned me all night, how could I have counted?
He hanningtoned the audience all night long.
by Gallivan Jones November 20, 2019
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