Verb used when an individual has absolutely choked a reply to a message in a group chat, damaging all the vibes and the funny. These include, but are not limited to: dad type replies, unfunny jokes, and being an overall npc in the group chat
Lmaoooo he's hammaded it again😭
by Q RA October 19, 2022
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Verb used to imply that a person has absolutely choked a reply to a message. This includes, but is not limited to: dad replies, stupid questions and being an overall npc in a group chat
As usual, he has absolutely hammaded it! 😭
by Q RA October 19, 2022
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A handsome man of all the ladies
Peaceful and nice man loyal and get all the girls.

The supreme ruler and leader.
Paramount Chief.
A Lionhearted Man.
A king of all kings.

The most greatful handsome person you can meet get all the babes and loyal.

The hottest guy in the group, who will marry a girl whose name starts with (Your name girl)
The one who's always surrounded

Don't dare to act smart infront of Hammad because he is the kind of guy who can look so sweet but can even destroy your whole family .

Hammad is a beautiful and Strong name.
If you want any help ,call Hammad ,he will always help you .
by Diveaway February 3, 2022
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Nice guy,sexy very good friend always asking for chiken burger
Irfy:aur wagg1 u bloodclot.
Hammad:give a buger
Irfy:ok safe
by IRFAAN QADIR December 12, 2017
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There's nothing softer and more gentle than him. That person who shift closer to you when you're subconsciously moving away while you're walking next to them, who smiles at you as soon as you make eye contact ,who hears you and understands you, who wholeheartedly loves you and accepts your flaws, someone who stays .The memory of someone who feels like home. If the moon and the serenity of night breeze, the zephyr-like sound of wind chimes and love, care, gentleness, reverence, the color blue ever want to take a form of a human it will look like him and it will name itself Hammad.
"Hammad is one of those people who will make your life better just by being in it"
by chamomillowel May 1, 2022
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a south east asian/middle eastern muslim name. popular among pakistani muslims. reserved for real ballers and playas.
Without Hammad they never would have won the game.
by BigBoi_Baller April 18, 2006
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