
1) One who prematurely denies a correct response only to come full circle and carefully explain the same answer
2) One who is easily mistakable for a person of a lesser education level
3) One who may become moist at the sound of the Orphan Whisperer's voice
Lecturer: Blah, blah, blah
(Upon entering lecture hall) Student 1: Why is the secretary standing on the stage with a microphone...
Student 2: Hah, hah, hah
Student 1: Oh my gosh, that's Grumbles?
Student 2: Hah, hah, hah
by Jack O'Sniles September 18, 2009
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Interjection. Can be used anywhere, assuming the user is a badass like me.
by Dangar the Mighty October 28, 2003
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A noise made when displeased, also a brand of cake.
"Grumble, you ate my Grumble Cake."
by Steph March 31, 2004
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Generally a girlfriend but then, all women "grumble". Therefore they are "grumble".
You can get high grade and low grade grumble.
Low grade grumble being dirty scallies...
"Goin' out to get me some grumble tonight mate."
by craigluck August 31, 2006
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Someone who is making a groaning sound (non sexual)
Jerry stop grumbling your starting to sound like a grump-a-lump!
by hoohoo22 July 13, 2015
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The act of simultaneously pressing the left and right arrow keys on the keyboard whilst playing Bubble Trouble (on Miniclip). Usually appears to be a swift back and forth motion or sliding dance.
kid1: dude quit doing the grumble and play the game!!!
kid2: but you totally stole all my bubbles!
by fromthesaad October 11, 2010
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Imaginary Gremlins spawned and set forth to do ones bidding. Loyal & persistent creatures that will always get the job done.
back off man Don't make me send the GRUMBLIES after you!
by Slrigknaps February 4, 2010
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