Grandpa hour tends to be the last hour of the day and affects men's cognitive and physical abilities. In summary, it is when men truly feel their age (and in many cases feel even older). Typically Grandpa hour sets in at around 30 years old but has been known to affect men as young as 25.
* Three thirty-somethings playing an online first person shooter against much better, young opposition

Michael - Where should we head to next?
Mark - How about this area?
Tom - Shit! There's players on the map!
Michael - Tag them Tom! Fucking tag! Where?!?? The map is huge!

Mark - Of course there's players you twat! There's 150 of us!
Michael - Ah hold up. It's 10pm. It's Grandpa hour. He can no longer do words. In fact, we're all fucked now.
by MrTeacherMan August 13, 2020
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