(Also known as gonnerz, gonnaz)

The term used to casually refer to someone being extremely intoxicated, deriving from the word "gone".
Person One: You were so gonners last night!
Hungover Person Two: Guuuuurg.
by GonnersEveryWeekend October 15, 2008
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An individual that is going to be subject to harsh consequences due to something they have either said or done.
Person 1: "I haven't revised for the test, mate!"
Person 2: "You're gonners, lad!"
by Drewwy310 November 9, 2010
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no longer existing, about to expire, die or be gone.
Good thing my fella's loaned me some g's to repay or else im a gonner
by where_d_Bs_at December 8, 2011
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He’s a character from ‘Daddy I’m a zombie’ a 2012 movie. He’s also very hot.
Person 1: Hey have you seen daddy I’m a zombie?

Person 2: Yea! Gonner is my favourite character!
by elliot.c0s July 30, 2021
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