God, the omniscient, primordial and eternal who created man in his own image and therefore posseses a digestive system, sense organs, limbs and other attributes that would be useless to an immortal being. If God came first, what would he eat or walk upon? Why would he have those five senses if nothing to sense yet existed? And if he has 'always' been here, how long did he sit around doing nothing until he decided to invent the Universe? And why? And if he hadn't yet invented the universe, what exactly was he sitting on? Where is he going to exist if there is nothing to exist in? And what is wrong with the idea that we all just expire and disintegrate and rot?
by Jon December 26, 2003
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Some big man that sits opn a cloud and tells everyone what to do. Threatens us with hell.
Eat your cabbage or God will send you to hell!
by PunkRockBarbieBitch July 19, 2005
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The third 'word' in the phrase guaranteed to be used by any woman who has won, or ever will win, any radio contest:
And, it's almost always reiterated three times.
Radio announcer: "This is KRAC- You're our hundred caller! Congratulations!
Winning contestant: !!!OH MY GODDD!!!
Radio announcer: That's right, you won! What's your name?
Winning contestant: !!!OH MY GODDD!!! uhhh, Dakota??!?
Radio announcer: Dakota, how would you and a friend like to see Matchbox 20 Thursday nite?!
Winning contestant: !!!!!!OH MY GODDD!!!!! (delivered with extra screechy-ness)
Radio announcer: (thinking, "god, I hate my job")
by sgtsixpack June 22, 2003
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When you say something and you're deadass about it.
"Ayo I just found $100 in the parking lot"
"Damn on God?
"Yee on God"
by lilm11ka May 5, 2020
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