An unmeasured scoop of a viscous substance that holds it form
I asked for a glump of mayo on my sandwich.
by Bfrankaboutit August 18, 2022
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A glumpy glumpsious glum of glumpilious glump.
You are looking extremely glump today.
by Mr. G. Lump August 23, 2023
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Glumping is a term used to describe someone who is zoned out from the present situation
I saw Sam glumping for hours today
by Fat fingers r bad August 6, 2016
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A medical evaluation involving the cupping of a creatures testicles.
"My God what are you doing?"
"I wanted to make sure the horse was healthy so I'm glumping it"
by Good Shlep April 1, 2022
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Accusing someone of being homosexual after strongly hinting at having homosexual tendencies yourself.
Dude 1: Wanna see my dick?

Dude 2: No, but that guy's ass is lookin hella phat on god.

Dude 1: Bruh that's kinda gay.

Dude 2: Wtf bro stop glumping.
by Freggsmash May 26, 2020
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I first heard the word glump in mid 90’s as it was referred to as to cum. Glumping is a verb, used in a sentence “oh baby I’m going to glump...oh god I’m glumping!!”
Glump/ing. Verb . As to Ejaculate
Oh god I’m going to glump!
Baby I’m “glumpingrite now.
I just”glumped” in my pants

Being defined as to ejaculation, orgasm, cumming
by GhostownCDA January 22, 2022
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