A manly man. A total "Clint Eastwood" type. He loves the outdoors and is a risk taker! He is also not afraid of anything. He fights and kills two grizzly bears a year and he once lived with a pack of wolves for 6 months. He is ruggedly handsome and has an All-American chiseled jaw. He has a few scars on his face from all of the fights he's gotten into protecting and defending those he cares about. (Don't worry, it doesn't take away from his superb good looks, in fact it adds to it.)

Gidion is not afraid to speak his mind and is not afraid to get into fights, especially when it comes to defending the honor of his lady. Gidion is a great guy to have a relationship with but he travels a lot, so it may get hard. But he is totally worth it! He has high morals and values but that won't stop him from having a good time. Gidion is the life of the PARTY!

Gidion can sometimes come across as aggressive but he is just being honest--he does not lie. If you need advice, he's the man to go to. He won't beat around the bush. He will tell you exactly what he thinks even if it hurts your feelings. And if it hurts you're feelings he'll say "Hey little girl! I don't like cherry. It upsets my stomach! Yee Yee!"
Gidion is a good man who will make you laugh, make you smile, and make you bleed (if you cross him) But if you are on his good side, NEVER let him go! (unless he physically pushes your face away from him)
Luke: "Did you see that man in the woods save that woman by killing the grizzly bear with his bear hands?"

Garrett: "Yeah bro, I did! That guy was a complete Gidion bad ass!"
by KingGthe1st August 22, 2017
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A crazy boy that can be annoying at times but he understands that he is getting on your nerves. He loves video games and has a very good photographic memory. He is very shy in public but very excitable at home. Has a very good singing voice. So love Gidion and be greatful for him.
His sister: You know Gidion you drive me crazy but I love you little bro.

Gidion: *thumbs up*
by KingGthe1st February 12, 2021
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