A combination of the words "Give" and "Me" typically used by Brazilians when trying to speak English.
Brazilian: BR? BR? Gibe moni pls. I repor yu. huehueuheue.
by Sprite143 February 3, 2012
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Gibe is the word for the feeling when you are bored and fed up of being bored and you need something to do.
A: are you ok
B: I feel bored

A: oh no do you feel gibe
by Itellthetruthpeeps July 18, 2019
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to taunt, jeer at
acting in a way that makes the other feel humiliated or embarrassed by passing rude comments etc etc
'Is that the best you can do?' he gibed.
by abe_era December 12, 2010
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This word is like guy only for real playas
by Qubak March 26, 2007
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Todd -“I’m sensing some gibes off of Ryan man.”
Luther- “Same bro I’m sensing heavy gibes off of him.”
by IreMu August 31, 2020
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So sorry friend! I feel like we're skew a gibe when the weird shit hues down .
by Crandolph McManus May 3, 2018
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Pink guy asking for some pussy

from filthyfranks Youtube channel
Ey b0ss gibe de pussi
by Pussi_slayer_420 May 14, 2016
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