geffing is when two usually straight guys have a sexual encounter and keep it a secret from friends. these guys are usually into sports
"hey did you hear? jack was geffing the other day with sebastion!"

"i thought they were bith straight!"
by s. genato January 25, 2009
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Trying to get attention in a way that makes you look simply retarted.
When it was freaking cold like siberia outside, Becky was wearing short sleeves and was constantly repeating "It's Hot!!". That bitch geffing like shit!
by Boberyy April 5, 2012
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A type of drug made out of the extracts of fementation in beer and comes other substances known as Geff, Jeff and Gell. All encorperated by FrankiCo™
Gef gives the person that takes it an Hallucination and makes them feel like they are invincible..
Gef has several side affect including blindness, loss of hearing and cancer.
Gef is found as a black powder, and cannot be taken on planes (it explodes under pressure).
1.Dude...this geff loves a jive to take more...

2. NOOOO!..dont take the GEF on the PLANE!!! BOOOOOOMMM!!!!
by James from FrankiCo January 12, 2005
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