The railfan term for Electro-Motive Division's "General Purpose" or "GP" series of four-axled road switchers.
The GP7 was the first model of "Geep" to be offered by EMD in 1949.
by MLW RS18 March 24, 2013
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A geek who's a little creepy
- Julie (Eyeing an arrogant, world-champion chess master): What a geep.
- Natalie: What's a geep?
- Julie:'s a geek who's a little creepy
by WickEd101 August 5, 2008
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The state of having dirty, greasy hair. Evolved from the abbreviation "GP" which is short for "greasepit." Covert way to tell somebody they look like an oil slick.
Hey, sis, you are totally geeped today. Go and take a shower!
by stephanie d. September 8, 2004
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Adjective, coughing from the inhalation of food/liquid where breathing is still viable.
"I am ok - just geeping."
by ChillJammyTheEpic July 27, 2019
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(verb) geep: the attempt to briefly squeeze a male dog's balls without alerting the victim
Dude, last night Bentley walked in the room and was totally checking everything out, little did he know, Kyle was creeping up behind him and geeped the hell out of him, the party lost it!
by CRoZMaN December 10, 2010
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a tall, lanky, self aware, socially awkward geek, who may be perceived as creepy to some, despite his good intentions and friendly nature.
Tim Robbins in the Hudsucker Proxy.
Tim Robbins in High Fidelity
Tim Robbins in Bull Durham

Scenario: A lanky guy knocks over a table spilling marinara sauce on a woman's bossom. He tries to help by wiping it off, is slapped in the face and walks home alone. When he arrives home he watched an episode of SCTV and feels a lot better.

"What a geep, huh?"
by kurtwood mudgens, jr. November 5, 2009
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A battle shout made by the indigenous cave dwellers of the Blue Ridge Mountains. If you ever hear this they have spotted you, are descending on you rapidly, and you're f*cked!
by Doug-Bo Delbar July 6, 2020
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