A person who acts gay.
Hey! Stop touching me gaypher!
by gcude June 2, 2009
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One of those gay little fake reindeer you put in your front yard on Christmas.

gay-fur = gaypher
Oh Morgyn would you look at those gayphers!
by Tennessee Gurl November 14, 2011
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when a guy gopher likes another guy gopher
by dennis June 1, 2003
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What you see when you look in the mirror.
You look in the mirror and you see a gaypher.
by fred j. May 1, 2005
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A lanky creature addicted to men, Minecraft and skate 3, they are normally quite nerdy and can easily pass the autism test without revision, their common love interest includes furries and minors
by shmucky joshuar June 3, 2021
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Gaypher means your acting gay or you really are gay
Stop acting like a gaypher!
That shirt makes you look like a gaypher
by Mizz tasty August 24, 2010
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