When a straight man does gay things for attention or clout. Cosplayers do this a lot for patreon to get money from thirsty gays.
That guy is gayfishing by talking homoerotic pictures so people will buy them.
by Workaholic29 July 2, 2020
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1. where queerbaiting notes fictional characters and relationships in media (shows, books, films, etc.), gayfishing notes real people who capitalize off lgbt culture and aesthetics while leaving their sexuality ambiguous knowing it increases their marketability

2. pretending to be gay when you’re actually straight

— i.e. irl queerbaiting and though borrowed from ‘catfishing’, it has nothing to do with pretending to be another person
person a: harry styles needs to give the gayfishing a rest
person b: just wait until you learn about fanservice in the bl industry
by indoboo February 16, 2023
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A similar concept to Blackfishing, gayfishing is when a straight or straight-passing male appropriates gay culture to appear more edgy or cool. An example of this is men who paint their nails (a color other than black) and get praise, whereas if a gay male did the same thing they would get slurs thrown at them.
It's insane how much Bad Bunny has been gayfishing and these NPCs just eat it up.
by ara_eek April 23, 2023
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Someone who doesn't get the joke
Obama : You like fishsticks?
Bush: Yes, I do.
Obama: What are you, a gayfish?
Bush: WTF r u talkin' about, I aint no gay n i aint no fish.
by AndersonCouncil April 24, 2009
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someone that likes fishdicks in their mouth
Me: Do you like fishsticks Kanye?

Kanye: Well, yes. Yes i do.

Me: Do you like fishsticks in your mouth?

Kanye: Yes i loooooove fishsticks in my mouth

Me: What are you a GAYFISH?

Kanye: Nigga what the fuck you say, yes i love fishdicks in my mouth but i aint a GAYFISH!!!
by idk wat pseudonym means November 7, 2010
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Verb: to say weird stuff to see if someone is a homosexual.
I was in a rehab and this roommate kept saying odd shit, like "is that gay porn?" and "your underwear look like panties.". After that I figured he was gayfishing.
by Anon135813 October 5, 2020
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When your strait irl but online ur gay it’s like catfishing but instead of thinking you a different age/gender they think ur strait
by Dumbonio August 3, 2020
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