A female who never stops talking, or says in a hundred words what can be said in ten.

This could be a friend, co-worker, partner, etc., who incorrectly thinks the more she says, the smarter she sounds.

She has no receptors to see how boring, offensive, rude, stupid, uninformed she really is.
Most-evident during presentation and conference calls.

Origin: Gabriella (meaning 'gabby' or talkative) Verbose (meaning the same thing, as in redundant).

Male version of Bob Loblaw.
Didn't know that 'Gabriella Verbose' was heading up today's meeting. We should have blocked out an hour instead of 15 minutes.

Sat next to Gabriella Verbose on a plane last week. After an hour of incessant diatribes about her kids, pets, job and crossfit, I tried to puncture my eardrums by folding one of my business cards into a spike.
by Vesper47 June 3, 2019
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