Someone in the purgatory between high school and college. They usually achieve this title when attending orientation.

Many have not yet reached the age of consent (in some states) when they attend orientation.

They can often be found with a campus map, lost, crying, or looking scared shitless.
"Let's go prey on the pre-frosh!"
"Careful, they're not all legal."
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Frosh swag can be used in several different ways. It can be used in a derogatory or complimentary way, or just as a descriptive word.

It could be used to compliment a frosh if they do something cool or good. It could also be used to put them down if they do something that is very typical of a frosh/freshman. When not used to compliment or put down, it can simply be used to recognize their presence or a specific action they are doing.
That kid has mad frosh swag! (compliment)

I cant believe how much frosh swag that kid has.... (derogatory)

Frosh Swag.... (recognizing)
by pacpowers December 5, 2011
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The best week of your life in Engineering at Queen's, filled with fun, friends, funky FRECs, and possibly a little bit of greased pole. After this, its all GPA-less first term winters and failing 112. Here are some important things/definitions you need to know, the primer to the primer if you will:

A supreme god-like being; the coolest people you will ever meet. Can often be found slamming $500 GPAs (see below) on the ground and sporting kilts, pain chains, and work boots.

So so silly. They know nothing and think they know everything, little do they know they will never be a year.

The most stylish accessory one can ever sport. Every other frosh at Queen's is forever envious of the eng frosh's immaculate cut, although they will never admit to it.

We love them.

Golden Party Armor. Only the best and brightest frosh will be permitted to don and dye the most beautiful symbol of Queen's Engineering, permitted they pass first term exams (good luck).

The center of the universe. Home of Ritual and a hopefully a few fun nights for future frosh:)
ArtSci Kid 1: Bro, that SCI FROSH WEEK is so cool.

ArtSci Kid 2: I know bro, we will never compare.
by freakyFREC January 16, 2022
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A sexier version of the French term "Ménage à trois," where an upperclass male at a University has a threesome with two freshman females.
Michael walked in to the apartment with two wasted freshman girls. I thought for sure a Ménage à Frosh was in the works, until one of the girls decided the bathroom floor was her bed for the night. It was not meant to be.
by Uncle Bengie November 25, 2013
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The act of crying about everything
Person one: "Hey did you here that one girl's basket she placed outside of her door for her little was stolen?"

Person two: "Yeah, she is such a Frosh"
by bloopyworm October 16, 2020
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Term used for a freshman house party at some Midwestern schools.
"Hey, Brittany, are you going to the frosh later? I heard they're gonna have wine bags and Barton's!"
by Doctorgaythanson February 20, 2020
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