Term used to describe a scenario where one uses as little effort as possible. Another term is to "Friis one out". This occurs when little if any information is exchanged. The only information which can be conveyed is that which has been typed while the cust was on hold. "Friis" can be used weather the report is filed or not. Meow, Meow, Camaros are fast!
It was 5:30 so I decided to Friis one out with the F2 function.
by Neil December 9, 2004
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Using ones' online sexual prowess to persuade someone to purchase one a Nintendo Wii as a gift.
John totally conned some old guy into sending him a Nintendo Frii!
by ashreigh January 5, 2007
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A very homosexual guy, who likes to suck dick. He is very popular because of his moms addition to the porn industry.
Person 1:"Do you know any gay people"
Person 2: "Yeah Oscar Friis Johannesson he is always fucking that Rasmus Sanger guy"
by IHaveStage3TerminalCancer February 5, 2022
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a complet idiot who thinks he is cool but is not
he is a mads friis andersen
by yeet miester March 6, 2020
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