I may be a high-school dropout, but at least I’m not a Frat Boy.
by Kipperon September 22, 2019
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the quintessential college-aged male usually found wearing abercrombie and fitch and poca shells while getting drunk and acting like an ass.
by annoymous August 16, 2004
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A guy who gets hella girls, has rich parents, wears the best clothing, drinks cheap beer because he knows how to spend money, and ends up getting a good job after college due to connections. Many people loathe frat boys because of how attractive, successful (with women and their careers), and how lit they are
I’m an overweight GDI who loathes Frat Boys because my crush went out with one of them and now I’m stuck at home playing my Nintendo switch.
by Chett Wellington III July 13, 2021
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Also known as a flaming faggot, a douchebag, and an anal rammer, frat boys are indeed the essence of all homosexuality in the universe. They have made a name for themselves in colleges across America for being popular, out-going, and throwing the best parties. Those who believe this have a very skewed perception of reality. In actuality, frat boys have made a name for themselves as the pioneers of faggotry.

Characteristics of a fratboy are as follows, but not limited to: popping one's collar, gelled hair, extremely gay look to their face, short shorts, croakies/sunglasses/sperry topsiders (an attempt to seem like they go fishing when they've never seen the ocean), wearing pink polos (pink is not the new blue queers), wearing 10 different shades of purple (neither is purple douchebags), shell necklaces, and birkenstocks.

Things that frat boys like to do: rape drunken/blacked-out women, pay $450 a semester for friends that don't even care about them, degrade women, do the elephant walk (when new recruits line up buck ass naked and hold the person's nutsack infront of you while walking in single-file line), take homosexuality to a whole new level, and while doing all of this somehow they believe that they are the shit.

Things to do if you see a frat boy: (guys) First and most importantly, if his collar is popped un-pop it immediately. Ignore anything he says, but if he re-pops it punch him in the face. He's lucky he even got a second chance. (girls) Do not be fooled by the illusion of their 'popularity'. These guys are the biggest pricks to ever grace the planet. If you see one, pour the beer that they paid for with there $450 dues right in their face and kick them in their very tiny balls.

Inconclusion: Frat boys raise the bar of all things gay. They're so gay that they make Elton John look like Ron Jeremy. I recommend everyone to disassociate yourself from all frat boys. Please help save the world by un-popping one collar at a time.
See characteristics and things a frat boy would do.
by Jesse Blackmon December 4, 2006
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I honestly do not have the energy to put down everything i hate about Frat Boys. Basicly, this fucktard that i have to share an apartment with is, to put it simply, a confused frat boy. Honestly, the whole fucking sub culture is fucked up. It reminds me of the 80's and the emergence of the Yuppies. I personally cannot wait for the backlash. The huge enormous backlash that must SURELY be brewing against this flood of mediocracy, sexism, homophobia, bland male dominance, parent pleasing hair styles and clothing, all used to attempt to try and disguise the filthy disgusting pervert that hides beneath. Honestly, I feel that i could indeed kill. If I were to meet a frat boy down a dark, deserted ally.... i could write for pages and pages about the ways i would like to kill that fucking cunt.
you see that frat boy, id like to kill that fucking retarded prick, look at him, what a sub human waste of oxygen, we should kill his parents too for raising such a fucktard.
by OUT THERE FO SHIZZ April 9, 2008
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The essence in itself of horseshit. Frat boys are categorized by rank into a few diffeent catergories: Frat Boy, Drunk, Flaming Homo, Shit Head, Meat Head, Prep, Butt Pirate, Turd Burgaler, Dickweed, Burnout, and Douchebag, from least to worst. The best way to destroy an infestation of frat boys in your home is to tell them that you will take away all of their beer and drugs should they stay at your house. The behavior of a frat boy is usually marked by whiskey on the breath, angry demeanor, obsession with wrestling, being in a fraternity, being homoerotic, astronomically limited intelligence, and an existentially felt (but only between frat boys) hate for anything involving commone sense. (See Adolf Hitler, or maybe George W. Bush, and assclown)
My dream is to punch every frat boy in America by 2012.
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A group of men who are in college. This group is actually split into two groups. The minority group is literally the suck of the earth, using their status as a way to be permanently drunk or high, while also most likely sexually assaulting any new members or women invited to their parties. They are normally seen in a brodozer, while being dressed horribly.

The majority group is actually made up of kind individuals that not only have impeccable taste, but are inclusive and work to help the community. These men all normally get good jobs afterwards, leading successful lives, and, if they so choose, a loving and caring girlfriend/boyfriend. Even when parties are thrown at these places, they are civil, and do not involve vandalism, death by alcohol consumption, death by hazing, the ra-*ahem* HAZING of fellow frats, and the rape of women that their Neanderthal counterparts are typically known for.

However, it must also be said that I am 15 and have never been to college. However, I do feel as though fraternities are getting a bad name from the small group of jerks with even smaller dicks.
That frat boy seems very successful.

"Allison, I heard you went to a party hosted by one of the OTHER groups of frat boys. Are you okay?" " I'm fine. My drink was spiked, of course, but when I came to, they were to busy raping each other to pay attention to me. I got out unharmed and unmolested. I don't know what is was thinking taking that chucklefuck's invitation! "
by Thatgaycarlover June 10, 2019
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