Someone so useless that each breath he or she takes is just one less lungful of oxygen for someone or something worthwhile.

See also oxygen thief, waste of biomass, waste of carbon, waste of food, waste of life, waste of semen, waste of skin, and waste of space,
"So would you let Madysynne into the bunker if she was outside when they were about to drop the bomb?"

"Hell no. Even just walking down the street she's a waste of oxygen., then we can loot her corpse once the radiation settles."
by Eva Lynn June 29, 2005
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Perez Hilton is a Waste of Oxygen. He is everything that is wrong with America manifested into a human being

John: Hey Jane! Did you see the post the Waste of Oxygen made?

Jane: Yes He is the Anti Christ
by The Deplorable October 13, 2016
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When someone is wasting oxygen that can be used by another. Those with this characteristic are often useless people who are not useful to society. This characteristic is often found in men.
by jade77380 January 23, 2012
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