The conversation that happens at work or school the day after a particularly significant status message is posted—referring to the content and either remarking on its wittiness or asking for more details. Can lead to awkward situations if someone in the near vicinity of the facebook followup is not a friend of the person who made the post.
Kyle: Man I wish Marla hadn't refused my friend request. She and Tim were having a facebook followup at the water cooler this morning and I had no idea what they were talking about.

Walter: Sucks to be you, doesn't it?
by Commentator X August 15, 2011
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Able to be followed up by.
When one states RAWR the only real followupable statement would have to be Nom
by Duh thats how it works June 24, 2013
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When someone interesting enters your view, you give them a serious look. Then you notice the person or some others nearby have noticed you staring. So you immediately look around at others in your view so the noticers think that you are not stairing but instead looking equally at everyone nearby. A little like the Package Peakin Wiener Gazer (but not much).
Look at Jeff. He was eyeing that hottie that's way out of his league and now he's doing a few followup glances at others to hide his foolery.
by BillyBuggy June 2, 2011
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