an other word for "god";
godlike person
by pussycat January 12, 2005
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Sexy hunk with a huge dick. Everyone loves him. Secretly many girls wish to be his girlfriend. He is protective and committed. He is plain out awesome. If you know a Filipe you are very lucky.
That guy is such a Filipe he's so cool.
by THEBOSS$$$ January 1, 2012
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Filipe is a very famous name in Portugal. Filipe usually is sexy, beautiful and attractive. In one word, awesome.
Could also be a derivative of the word handsome.
Wow, that guy is Filipe.
by gosh__ November 18, 2010
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The very essence of sexyness, has very much money, and makes it rain on them hoes. also likes to wear alot of gold.
Filip also is a word that can also be used instead of "chick magnet"
dammm that Filip is a boss,
Oh my god, i love Filip
Filip always gets all the girls
by The kingggg January 3, 2009
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a common male name in Croatia
originated from greek word philia, which could be translated as friendship

similar to american name Philip
(hereisonestupidexample) my name is filip
by pimrcina March 9, 2008
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