"Fibliminal" comes from the idea of Fibonacci sequences and Liminal thinking.

The word "liminal" comes from a Latin root that means threshold. A threshold is a boundary that marks a point of transition between one state and another.

A liminal space is the time between the ‘what was’ and the ‘whats next.’
These thresholds are everywhere in life and they are inevitable.

"Liminal thinking" is the art of finding, creating and using thresholds to determine psychological change. It is a kind of mindfulness that enables you to see the change.

When we become aware of our liminality, most of us, if we’re honest, don’t know who to become or how to navigate the transition. We often miss the real potential of ‘in-between’ places – we either stand paralyzed or we flee the “unknown”.

Adding Fibonacci to the theory of liminality, brings Fibliminal.

The term was coined by FiboSwanny (as seen on Tradingview) - a highly skilled & successful trader who adopted his trading style to using just ADX, RSI and Fibonacci levels. He has a loyal group of followers.
The fibliminal level aligned to the fibonacci level perfectly.
by fireblade-au February 20, 2021
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