A sludge for brains dipbat bootlicking clown who's entire concept of anything revolves around the tyrannical devaluation of currency via the brrrrrrrrrrrrrrr sound of central bank money printers. Typically in the form of a Bureaucrat, Slave or Slave Master.

A time thief, leeching, sucking, consuming the means and well being of hard working men around the globe. Poisonous parasitic filth, wriggling, thriving, in the disgusting vomit and other sick spew of it's own duplicates while raping and pillaging the efforts of anyone who produces value.

The 'Fiater" if left to survive will inevitably destroy its hosts and consume itself to the last blackened drop.

A key characteristic of soulless communist's, altruist's, Keynesian's and other mentally repulsive beings.

Deeply disturbing to the livelihood of all free and interdependent beings. Pure Evil.

Keep away at all cost or risk losing everything.
That smiling "Fiater" stole everything I have and left my family for dead in the name of altruism.

The "Fiater" devalued our currency to worthless paper and thieved all we had created for ourselves.

He is a "Fiater" he will preach of sacrifice only to enrich himself and mutilate our happiness away.

Before it's too late, CATCH AND BURN THAT "Fiater" ALIVE
by Spacebull November 3, 2020
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