A short Omppa Loompa ass lookin bitch teacher who has lost all passion for teaching and wont shut up about how great that one fucking student is.
If your teacher is a Bitch who gets hung up on every single detail of your home work she's a Feustle.
If your boss makes you work late for no overtime she's a Feustle.
Mason: Hey did you get that stupid homework ?

Joe: Yeah it's so fucking stupid.

Mason: I know, she didn't even give us enough time to finish it.

Joe: That Fucking Feustle

Mason: I know

Joe: She's so annoying because if we turn in our Stuff even one day late she'll get pissed.

Mason: Such a bitch

Feustle: *Waddles over* Don't just stand there get to class *She says in bitch*
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