A pretentious twat who thinks that being an intellectual consists of using big, obscure words in every sentence regardless of whether or not the word suits the context or is even needed in the first place, thinks knowing and bringing up random trivia about advanced math or science makes them smarter than everyone else, fancies themselves a philosopher (despite actually understanding jackshit about philosophy but thinks knowing who Descartes and Rousseau are makes them sooooo smart), never hesitates to bring up their IQ and degrees and are generally extremely condescending and unpleasant to be around. They attribute their lack of a social life to a scarcity of people in their intellectual range, but the truth is that nobody can fucking stand them because they're so full of shit. They're not actually all that smart, they just behave like a parody of a smart person. True intellectuals are humble and amiable and most importantly, don't pretend to know everything.
If you've been fortunate enough to never encounter a fauxlectual in real life, you can see a myriad of examples on r/iamverysmart.
by ⛺️ June 24, 2017
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